فارسی عربي

Uraman village hidden within mountain in Iran's Kordestan

Uraman Takht is an old mountainous village in the west of Iran.

Uraman Takht is an old mountainous village in the west of Iran.

Located in the heart of Zagros Mountain Range, the village enjoys an untouched and scenic nature with a very rich culture, and ancient history.

Scenery of Uraman Takht, from extraordinary architecture design to beautiful creations of nature, never fails to surprise any visitor.

The historical village was formed over forty thousand years ago. The design and architecture of Uraman, besides its customs and culture, prove that the region was once one of the most valuable areas of Iran.

Rich in traditional culture and ancient mountainous landscapes, no wonder the Cultural Landscape of Uraman Takht got inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in June, 2021.

Anything about Uraman Takht is unique, from the mountain village to the beautiful nature along the rivers that run down from the hills.

The idea behind the architecture was inspired by the nature, and it is truly unbelievable how people managed to build this brilliant design.

Building houses on such a steep mountain is an impressive work considering how hard it was for them to build houses made only out of wood and clay.

The interesting fact about the design of this stepped village is the way that each roof of the house is the upper house’s yard.

An extensive part of Uraman surrounded by high mountains makes it a perfect place for nature lovers to spend their time.

Let’s not forget about the green vast forest of Uramanat, two famous roaring rivers, Sirvan and Lyle, and Zaribar Lake.

